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المقررات المتاحة

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This course provides students with the knowledge and essential skills necessary to perform professional-level data analysis with Excel.

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A comprehensive guide to understanding, growing, and caring for Tulip Flowers.

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and technologies behind Augmented Reality (AR). It covers the basic principles of AR, its applications, and its future prospects.

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This course introduces the concepts of foreign exchange trading, technical analysis, risk management, and the use of trading platforms.

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This course introduces beginners to the fundamentals of using Grafana for visualizing and analyzing data.

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An in-depth analysis of the two chocolate giants, Milka and Lindt. The course will explore the history, production methods, and distinct flavors of the two brands.

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This course provides an in-depth study of fruits and vegetables, their nutritional value, and their role in a balanced diet.

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This course provides an in-depth understanding of large scale system design and architecture, including components of scalable systems, data storage, and processing techniques.

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This course focuses on designing and building large scale systems. Topics include distributed computing, network design, database scaling, and cloud computing.

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This course introduces the concept of Remote Procedure Call (RPC), its architecture, types, and its implementation in distributed systems.

This will serve as a default course template 

Testing for the mobile cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers

Ceci est un cours sur python
This is a course about bigdata
This is a course about system A
This is a course about AI-2
Ceci est un cours sur AI_1
Ceci est un cours sur java_for_beginners
Ceci est un cours sur AI

.هو تطبيق من تطبيقات جوجل يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء وتحرير ومشاركة العروض التقديمية عبر الإنترنت بسهولة Google Slides

يُعد Google Docs برنامج معالجة نصوص عبر الإنترنت ينافس البرامج التقليدية، مما يتيح إنشاء مستندات احترافية والتعاون في الوقت الفعلي بطريقة فعالة وبسيطة.

Ceci est un cours sur network
This is a course about mobile M

تساعدك هذه الدورة على إنشاء عروض Microsoft 365 PowerPoint، والتي تغطي الواجهة وأدوات التأليف والأتمتة والأشياء المتقدمة والرسوم المتحركة والتفاعلية وتسليم المحتوى.

This will serve as a default course template